domingo, 22 de agosto de 2010

pdran bajar la version 3.5 epi_info

welcome to   a good password forum, and medcine forum,  we provider special resoucres (some passwords)  for donators who donate >100 usd,  open

  you can use paypal to donate, click the orange donate of index, or you can donate will western union (for member's group higher than Sophomores ),
For more options, visit this group at

sábado, 21 de agosto de 2010

100 Cases in Paediatrics

Oxford University Press | 2009 | ISBN: 0340968753 | 302 pages | PDF | 2,8 MB

  The 100 Cases series provides a novel learning and revision tool that works by guiding the reader through each clinical case in a highly structured manner. Each scenario provides details of the patient's medical history and the key findings of a clinical evaluation, together wtih initial investigation results data for evaluation. Key questions then prompt the reader to evaluate the patient, and reach a decision regarding their condition and the possible treatment plan, while the answer pages reveal the processes a clinician goes through in such situations. The volumes are designed with the student in mind, and include features to aid self-directed learning, clinical reasoning, and problem-solving. 100 Cases in Paediatrics covers the following subject areas: respiratory; cardiology; endocrinology and diabetes; gastroenterology; nephrology; infections; dermartology; haematology; oncology; bones and joints; neurology; child and adolescent psychiatry; neonatology, and many others.


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Oxford University Press | 2009 | ISBN: 0340968753 | 302 pages | PDF | 2,8 MB
  The 100 Cases series provides a novel learning and revision tool that works by guiding the reader through each clinical case in a highly structured manner. Each scenario provides details of the patient's medical history and the key findings of a clinical evaluation, together wtih initial investigation results data for evaluation. Key questions then prompt the reader to evaluate the patient, and reach a decision regarding their condition and the possible treatment plan, while the answer pages reveal the processes a clinician goes through in such situations. The volumes are designed with the student in mind, and include features to aid self-directed learning, clinical reasoning, and problem-solving. 100 Cases in Paediatrics covers the following subject areas: respiratory; cardiology; endocrinology and diabetes; gastroenterology; nephrology; infections; dermartology; haematology; oncology; bones and joints; neurology; child and adolescent psychiatry; neonatology, and many others.

welcome to a good password forum, and medcine forum, we provider special resoucres (some passwords) for donators who donate >100 usd, open

you can use paypal to donate, click the orange donate of index, or you can donate will western union (for member's group higher than Sophomores ),
For more options, visit this group at

domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010

Current Therapy of Trauma and Surgical Critical Care

Current Therapy of Trauma and Surgical Critical Care
Publisher: Mosby | ISBN: 0323044182 | edition 2008 | PDF | 798 pages | 52,1 mb

Here's a unified evidence-based approach to problems encountered in trauma and critical care surgical situations. Comprehensive and concise, it is ideal for a quick overview before entering the operating room or ICU, or as a review for board certification or recertification.
* Be prepared for the unexpected with practical, concise coverage of major surgical problems in trauma and critical care.
* Get expert practical and up-to-date guidance on ventilator management, damage control, noninvasive techniques, imaging, infection control, dealing with mass casualties, treating injuries induced by chemical and biological agents, and much more.
* Find the information you need quickly and easily through numerous illustrations, key points boxes, algorithms, and tables.

Best regards

welcome to a good password forum, and medcine forum, we provider special resoucres (some passwords) for donators who donate >100 usd, open

you can use paypal to donate, click the orange donate of index, or you can donate will western union (for member's group higher than Sophomores ),
For more options, visit this group at

Clinical Pain Management / Acute Pain



Pamela Macintyre, David Rowbotham, Suellen Walker, "Clinical Pain Management Acute Pain"
Oxford University Press, USA | 2008 | ISBN: 0340940093 | 656 pages | PDF | 5,2 MB

Acute Pain brings coverage of this diverse area together in a single, comprehensive clinical reference, from the basic mechanisms underlying the development of acute pain, to the various treatments that can be applied to control it in different clinical settings. Much expanded in this second edition, the volume reflects the huge advances that continue to be made in acute pain management. Part One examines the basic aspects of acute pain and its management, including applied physiology and development neurobiology, the drugs commonly used in therapy, assessment, measurement and history-taking, post-operative pain management and its relationship to outcome, and preventive analgesia. Part Two reviews the techniques used for the management of acute pain. Methods of drug delivery and non-pharmaceutical treatments including psychological therapies in adults and children and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation are considered here. Part Three looks at the many clinical situations in which acute pain can arise, and the methods of treatment that may be suitable in each circumstance, whether the patient is young or old, has pain due to surgery, trauma, medical illness or childbirth, or is undergoing rehabilitation. Issues specific to the management of acute pain in the developing world are also covered here.




Libro AA1


Gastroenterología y Hepatología
Gastroenterología y Hepatología
Autores: Varios Editores Generales: Hernán Vélez A. William Rojas M. Jaime Borrero R. Jorge Restrepo M. (q.e.p.d) Editores: Felipe Franco B. Fernando Sierra A. Editorial: Corporación para Investigaciones Biológicas, CIB Colección: Fundamentos de Medicina Año de edición: 2004 Formato: Libro Rústica, 16 x 22.5 cms 332 páginas 5a. edición ISBN: 958-9400-74-4
Reseña: El texto presenta al estudiante de medicina, en forma didáctica y actualizada, el panorama de las principales afecciones del tracto gastrointestinal y la forma más adecuada de diagnosticarlas y tratarlas. Se inicia con un atlas a color de la patología oral y cubre todo el tubo digestivo, hígado y páncreas.

Patología del Tracto Gastrointestinal. Hígado y vias biliares. Pancreas. Nutrición


jueves, 12 de agosto de 2010

Buzan Tony - El libro de la lectura rápida


Buzan Tony - El libro de la lectura rápida

Tony Buzan, autor de EL LIBRO DE LOS MAPAS MENTALES y creador del concepto de "mapa mental", nos ofrece con este nuevo título un método sencillo y revolucionario para aumentar la rapidez de lectura hasta 1.000 palabras por minuto, conservando y mejorando la comprensión y la concentración.

EL LIBRO DE LA LECTURA RÁPIDA contiene técnicas que nos enseñan a utilizar los ojos y el cerebro de manera más eficiente. Numerosos cuestionarios y ejemplos prácticos permiten al lector medir sus progresos a medida que avanza el libro.

EL LIBRO DE LA LECTURA RÁPIDA es una obra imprescindible para estudiantes, profesores, ejecutivos y cualquier persona que desee mejorar la rapidez, la comprensión y la calidad de su lectura.

Raul Lovato

Si quieres tener un año de prosperidad, cultiva arroz.
Si quieres tener diez años de prosperidad, cultiva árboles
Si quieres tener prosperidad para siempre, cultiva personas
Proverbio Chino

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