viernes, 31 de diciembre de 2010

] LIBRO (Mayo Clinic Internal Medicine)

De: Roxana M. Brandt
Mayo Clinic Internal Medicine Concise Textbook

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Current Respiratory Medicine Reviews 3 - 4 - 2010

Current Respiratory Medicine Reviews 3 - 4 - 2010

Current Respiratory Medicine Reviews
Volume 6, Number 3, August 2010

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Current Respiratory Medicine Reviews
Volume 6, Number 4, November 2010


Libro de endocrino





Endocrine‚ Metabolic & Immune Disorders-Drug Targets all issues 2010
Endocrine‚ Metabolic & Immune Disorders-Drug Targets (Formerly Current Drug Targets - Immune‚ Endocrine & Metabolic Disorders)


     Issue: 4, December 2010

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Murillo Santucci Cesar de Assunção
Unidade de Terapia Intensiva adulto
Disciplina de Anestesiologia, Dor e Terapia Intensiva
Escola Paulista de Medicina
Rua Napoleão de Barros,715
Vila Clementino - São Paulo - CEP: 04024-002
Tel/Fax: +55-11-55757768
Tel/Fax: +55-11- 55764069

jueves, 30 de diciembre de 2010

Corrección del enlace de libro sobre ventilación mecánica en RN

No:363      Diciembre 29, 2010
Estimad@ Maximo Jesus Cuadros Chavez:
Cometimos un error en el enlace para obtener este libro de guías sobre ventilación mecánica en el recién nacido. Por favor accese esta guía con este nuevo link, o visite nuestro portal para ver el libro:
Disculpe las molestias que esto le ha ocasionado
Guía para la ventilación mecánica del recién nacido
Esta Guía de 74 páginas de fácil lectura es una ayuda fácil en la toma de decisiones que se deben de realizar aquellos recién nacidos que requieren de ventilación mecánica. Fue escrita por diversos neonatologos del HH.UU. Virgen del Rocío. Sevilla, España. Los coordinadores principales son los doctores Antonio Lozada martínez, Antonio Pavón Delgado, Juan M. Núñez Solis, Antonio Pérez Sánchez, Pilar Rojas Feria, María Luisa Rosso González, Carmen Zamarriego Zubizarreta.
Es un libro completo que puede accesar en el siguiente enlace.

Dr. Enrique Hernández-Cortes
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor





miércoles, 29 de diciembre de 2010

Libro de pediatría sobre ventilación mecánica


----- Mensaje reenviado ----
De: Victor Whizar-Lugo <>
Enviado: mié,29 diciembre, 2010 11:41
Asunto: Libro de pediatría sobre ventilación mecánica

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Diciembre 29, 2010
 Colores de Mexico

Estimad@ Maximo Jesus Cuadros Chavez:

Guía para la ventilación mecánica del recién nacido

Esta Guía de 74 páginas de fácil lectura es una ayuda fácil en la toma de decisiones que se deben de realizar aquellos recién nacidos que requieren de ventilación mecánica. Fue escrita por diversos neonatologos del HH.UU. Virgen del Rocío. Sevilla, España. Los coordinadores principales son los doctores Antonio Lozada martínez, Antonio Pavón Delgado, Juan M. Núñez Solis, Antonio Pérez Sánchez, Pilar Rojas Feria, María Luisa Rosso González, Carmen Zamarriego Zubizarreta.

Es un libro completo que puede accesar en el siguiente enlace.


Dr. Enrique Hernández-Cortes
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Anestesiologia y Medicina del Dolor | Centro Medico del Noroeste | Tijuana | Baja California | Mexico


jueves, 16 de diciembre de 2010

Terapia cognitiva de los trastornos de personalidad


Terapia cognitiva de los trastornos de personalidad

El presente libro se centra específicamente en la respuesta de los pacientes con trastornos de personalidad a las técnicas de terapia cognitiva. Su contenido se divide en dos grandes secciones: en la primera parte examina los problemas generales de la derivación, el diagnóstico y el tratamiento, analizando el concepto de formación de esquemas y sus efectos en la conducta. El material clínico de la segunda parte, en cambio, detalla el tratamiento de cada trastorno de la personalidad, con la inclusión y descripción de síntomas paranoides, esquizoides, antisociales, narcisistas, etc. Se trata de un texto fácilmente comprensible, un manual extraordinariamente útil, que se atreve a aplicar la terapia cognitiva a uno de los problemas clínicos de más difícil resolución. De este modo, y con independencia de su orientación principal, resultará interesante tanto para los profesionales que trabajan con individuos que padecen trastornos de personalidad, como para estudiantes, investigadores, psicoterapeutas psicólogos clínicos, que hallarán en él material de sumo interés y agradable lectura.

Terapia cognitiva de los trastornos de personalidad
Autor: Aaron T. Beck, Arthur Freeman
ISBN: 8449318041
Publicador: Paidós Ibérica - 2002
Pag: 312
libro: PDF, 12MB







lunes, 13 de diciembre de 2010

Manual of Toxicologic Emergencies


Nutritional Influences on Bone Health

---------- Nutritional Influences on Bone Health (repost)

If you like/need this book, then you should buy it.

Best regards

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For more options, visit this group at

domingo, 12 de diciembre de 2010

Cirugía de Urgencia 2da Edición – Perera · García


lo puedes reenviar con la dirección de descarga. es que envía a una pagina y no carga para ninguna pagina de descarga gracias



Cirugía de Urgencia 2da Edición – Perera · Garcíaina 




domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2010

The Canadian Tye 2 Diabetes Sourcebook

The Canadian Type 2 Diabetes Sourcebook
3rd edition (May 12, 2009) | ISBN: 047015702X | 308 pages | PDF | 1 MB

Trusted by Canadian doctors and patients for over ten years, The Canadian Type 2 Diabetes Sourcebook is the only medically researched guidebook that allows you to learn about diabetes directly from the experts. This one-stop resource provides everything you need to know about managing Type 2 diabetes, creating the best health care team for you, and understanding the latest medical advice. Updated and aligned with the most recent clinical guidelines, this new edition covers the most up-to-date medications, lifestyle recommendations, and treatment options, with entirely new information about pediatric Type 2 diabetes.

If you like this book, you should buy it.

Best regards

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you can use paypal to donate, click the orange donate of index, or you can donate will western union (for member's group higher than Sophomores ),
For more options, visit this group at

domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010

Neurologic Emergencies



Gregory Henry, Neal Little, Andy Jagoda, Thomas Pellegrino, Douglas Quint, "Neurologic Emergencies, Third Edition"
MgH | 2010 | ISBN: 0071635211 | 396 pages | CHM | 6,3 MB

Complete guidance on how to diagnose and treat neurologic emergencies in any acute care setting!

Uniquely organized by presenting complaint, Neurologic Emergencies helps you quickly identify, evaluate, stabilize, treat, and manage the full range of neurologic symptoms--from dizziness to trauma. Striking the perfect balance between thoroughness and readability, this trusted classic delivers the authoritative guidance you need to ensure the best possible outcomes possible for patients presenting with neurologic emergencies. The Third Edition has been updated with a valuable primer on neuroimaging technologies and includes the latest evidence-based treatment strategies and expert advice.


•Organized by presenting symptoms, rather than by disease, for unmatched clinical relevance
•Written by a team of authors highly experienced in managing patients with neurologic complaints
•Numerous algorithms and tables offer immediate access to critical information
•Emphasizes patient history, physical exam, and rapid assessment
•Everything you need to know in the acute care setting:
Review of Basic Neuroanatomy, Neuroimaging, Evaluation of a Neurologic Complaint, Altered States of Consciousness and Coma, Acute Focal Neurological Deficit, Acute Weakness, Movement Disorders, Headache; Acute Double Vision, Blindness, and Abnormal Pupils; Neurologic Trauma, Psychogenic Neurologic Problems, Seizures, Syncope, The Dizzy Patient, Neck and Back Pain

Best regards


domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010

solicita libros


Principles and Practice of Mechanical Ventilation, 2nd Edition
by: Martin J. Tobin
2008-03-23 18:41
Lung Biology in Health & Disease Volume 152 Long-Term Mechanical Ventilation
by: Hill
en | Dekker
2008-05-05 11:06
Noninvasive Mechanical Ventilation
by: John R. Bach MD
en | Hanley & Belfus
2010-05-18 09:36
Noninvasive Mechanical Ventilation: Theory, Equipment, and Clinical Applications
by: Antonio Matías Esquinas
en | Springer
2010-08-19 08:01
Clinics in Perinatology Vol 34 Issue 01 / 2007 Surfactant and Mechanical Ventilation
by: S. Donn, T. Wiswell,
en | Elsevier
2007-05-05 17:41
Mechanical Ventilation (Update in Intensive Care Medicine)
by: Arthur S. Slutsky (Editor), Laurent Brochard (Editor)
2006-10-12 20:05
Core Topics in Mechanical Ventilation
by: Iain Mackenzie
2008-12-09 10:51
Mechanical Ventilation: Clinical Applications and Pathophysiology
by: Peter J. Papadakos MD, B. Lachmann MD PhD
en | Saunders
2010-08-07 00:19
Fundamentals of Mechanical Ventilation: A Short Course on the Theory and Application of Mechanical Ventilators
by: Robert L. Chatburn
2008-06-08 21:47
Understanding Mechanical Ventilation: A Practical Handbook 2nd Edition
by: Ashfaq Hasan
en | Springer
2010-02-02 23:40
The Intensive Care Manual
by: Michael J. Apostolakas Peter J. Papadakos
2006-05-26 06:01
Acid-Base, Fluids, and Electrolytes Made Ridiculously Simple
by: Richard Arthur Preston
en | Medmaster
2006-07-10 10:34
Fluids and Electrolytes Demystified
by: Joyce Y. Johnson
2008-02-28 12:08
Fluid and Electrolytes in Pediatrics: A Comprehensive Handbook (Nutrition and Health)
by: Leonard G. Feld, Frederick J. Kaskel
en | Humana Press
2009-12-18 00:02
Lange Instant Access: Acid-Base, Fluids, and Electrolytes (Lange Instant Access)
by: Robert F. Reilly, Mark Perazella
en | McGraw-Hill Professional
2008-03-10 18:57
Clinical Physiology of Acid-Base and Electrolyte Disorders
by: Burton David Rose, Theodore Post, Burton Rose,
en | McGraw-Hill Professional
2007-06-12 08:22


         gorjussScaryCutiesRochy.gif picture by rochymauricio        


"There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won't anymore, and who always will. So don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason they didn't make it to your future"

Amor no es encontrar a alguien con quien vivir, amor es encontrar a alguien que tu sientas no puedes vivir sin el..."

jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

Critical Care Considerations of the Morbidly Obese

Critical Care Considerations of the Morbidly Obese

Critical Care Clinics Volume 26, Issue 4, Pages e1-e10, 583-742 (October 2010)

Critical Care Considerations of the Morbidly Obese

5 The Obesity Paradox 
Dennis E. Amundson, Svetolik Djurkovic, Gregory N. Matwiyoff
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The term "obesity paradox" refers to the observation that, although obesity is a major risk factor in the development of cardiovascular and peripheral vascular disease, when acute cardiovascular decompensation occurs, for example, in myocardial infarction or congestive heart failure, obese patients may have a survival benefit. In addition, it has been suggested that obese patients tend to fare better after certain surgical procedures, such as coronary artery bypass surgery. Moreover, it appears that obese men with chronic hypertensive heart disease live longer than men of normal weight. Mounting evidence shows that obesity alone may confer a survival benefit independent of age, medical care, or therapy. Perhaps the definition of obesity needs to be revisited, and it is also possible that all fat is not equal.
Effects of Obesity by System and Critical Care Considerations

6         Pulmonary System and Obesity
Doyle D. Ashburn, Angela DeAntonio, Mary Jane Reed
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There are several challenges in the management of respiratory failure in the obese population. Pulmonary physiology is significantly altered leading to reduced lung volumes, decreased compliance, abnormal ventilation and perfusion relationships, and respiratory muscle inefficiency. These complications can lead to a prolonged requirement for mechanical ventilation and increased intensive-care-unit length of stay.

7 Cardiovascular Considerations in Critically Ill Obese Patients
Mitchell K. Craft, Mary Jane Reed
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With a growing obese population, preventative and therapeutic strategies need to be developed to combat the complex cardiac pathophysiology related to obesity. This is paramount in the management of critically ill obese patients. This article highlights these strategies.

8 Acute Kidney Injury in the Critically Ill, Morbidly Obese Patient: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenges in a Unique Patient Population 
Ion D. Bucaloiu, Robert M. Perkins, William DiFilippo, Taher Yahya, Evan Norfolk
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The growing burden of morbid obesity (body mass index >40 kg/m2) on critical care resources translates to a significant incidence of acute kidney injury (AKI) in morbidly obese (MO), critically ill patients. This article examines the literature pertinent to AKI in critically ill MO patients. After a concise review of the available epidemiologic data regarding the incidence of acute renal injury in MO individuals, the authors review the limitations and available tools for estimation of renal function in the MO population (with emphasis on the critical illness). Also described are several specific types of renal injury previously described in this population that are applicable to the critical care setting. Lastly, the authors review some of the challenges and limitations in providing renal support to critically ill MO individuals, and identify potential areas for future research in this population.

9         Gastrointestinal System and Obesity
Pages 625-627
Doyle D. Ashburn, Mary Jane Reed
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Several significant changes occur in the gastrointestinal system with obesity that can effect management in critical illness. This population is at risk for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), abdominal compartment syndrome, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and an increased incidence of cholelithiasis. It is important for critical care providers to be aware of these potential complicating factors.

10        Immunologic Changes in Obesity
Pages 629-631
Mitchell K. Craft, Mary Jane Reed
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A growing body of literature suggests multifaceted alterations to the immune function in obese patients compared with a lean cohort. Although treatment in the intensive care unit has an associated risk of infectious complications, which, if any, of these immunologic alterations are causal is unclear. Obesity clearly causes abundant alterations to the immune system. Overall, the aggregate effect seems to be chronic activation of inflammatory mediators.

11        Endocrine System and Obesity
Pages 633-636
Doyle D. Ashburn, Mary Jane Reed
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Obesity is associated with significant alterations in endocrine function. An association with type 2 diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia has been well documented. This article highlights the complexities of treating endocrine system disorders in obese patients.

12        Venous Thromboembolic Disease and Hematologic Considerations in Obesity
Mitchell K. Craft, Mary Jane Reed
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Venous thromboembolic disease continues to be a major source of morbidity and mortality, with obese patients who are critically ill presenting some of the most at-risk patients. As the literature evolves, it has become clear that there is a complex relationship between obesity and thrombosis and atherogenesis. It is true that many of these conditions are reversible with weight loss; however, obesity remains on the rise. Management of obese patients must incorporate and consider these intricate changes in an attempt to improve patient outcomes.

13         Airway Management in the Obese Patient
William A. Loder
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Any patient can have a difficult airway, but obese patients have anatomic and physiologic features that can make airway management particularly challenging. Obesity does not seem to be an independent risk factor for difficult intubation but is one of the several factors that need to be considered as part of an airway evaluation. To effectively manage airways in obese patients, health care providers working in the intensive care unit setting must be proficient in airway evaluation and management in all types of patients. This article discusses the risk factors for a difficult airway and the methods of managing the airway.

Procedures in the Morbidly Obese Critically Ill

14         Vascular Procedures in the Critically Ill Obese Patient
Omar Rahman, Laurel Willis
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The increasing societal prevalence of obesity is consequential to the increasing number of critically ill obese patients. Vascular procedures are an essential aspect of care in these patients. This article reviews the general, anatomic, and physiologic considerations pertaining to vascular procedures in critically ill obese patients. In addition, the use of ultrasonography for these procedures is discussed.

15         Ultrasound-Assisted Lumbar Puncture in Obese Patients
Robert Strony
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The use of ultrasound to mark landmarks for diagnostic lumbar puncture has been described in emergency medicine as well as in the anesthesia literature. One of the most difficult scenarios arises when obese patients with a body mass index (BMI) of greater than 30 present to an acute care setting, such as the emergency department or intensive care unit and require diagnostic LP. This article discusses lumbar puncture in patients with a high BMI.

16         Bedside and Radiologic Procedures in the Critically Ill Obese Patient
Michelle Olson, Chris Pohl
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Performance of procedures upon the obese critically ill patient in the ICU or in the radiology suite, require certain considerations. Additional staff, equipment and proper ergonomics are often necessary to perform these procedures safely for both patient and staff.

17         Tracheostomy in Critical Ill Morbidly Obese
Michael Clark, Scott Greene, Mary Jane Reed
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18         Nutrition in Critically Ill Obese Patients
Naeem Raza, Peter N. Benotti, Christopher D. Still
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Critically ill obese patients require timely nutrition in the intensive care unit. Hypocaloric, high protein nutritional feeding might have a role in critically ill obese patients. Although critically ill obese patients need special medical and nutritional care as do nonobese patients in the ICU, there are some differences in the literature about the initiation, routes, and nature of nutritional support. This article reviews the norms of nutritional care among critically ill obese patients and the differences between these patients and those with a normal BMI.

19         Pharmacotherapy in the Critically Ill Obese Patient
Charles J. Medico, Patrick Walsh
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Despite the growing epidemic of obesity in the United States, dosing medications in such patients remains poorly studied and understood. Most recommendations are based on small independent studies, case reports, and expert opinion. Applying manufacturer kinetics and dosing recommendations in the obese patient may result in toxicity or treatment failure, leading to increased morbidity, mortality, and hospital length of stay.

Special Populations

20         Trauma in Obese Patients
Christine C. Toevs
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As the American population grows larger in terms of weight and body mass index each year, a greater percentage of patients admitted to the trauma service are overweight or obese. Obese patients do not have the same injury patterns or outcomes of normal-weight patients. This article reviews some of the latest data regarding the injury patterns, outcomes, and areas of further studies in the obese trauma population.

21         Bariatric Surgery Patients in the ICU
Mary Jane Reed, Jon Gabrielsen
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As the incidence of bariatric surgery continues to increase, the medical community should be aware of the most common procedures, resultant anatomy, and possible complications to be better prepared to care for these patients in all situations.

22         Special Considerations in the Critically Ill Morbidly Obese Child
Karen Allison Bailey
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Obesity has been recognized as an increasing problem not only in North America but globally. With a significant rise in the prevalence of obesity amongst children and adolescents over the past 20 years, the comorbidities associated with obesity are also now emerging at an earlier age. These comorbidities cause specific concern and require special consideration when the morbidly obese child becomes critically ill.

23         Critical Care of the Morbidly Obese in Disaster
James Geiling
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The prevalence of obesity in the United States is increasing, with extreme morbid obesity of body mass index greater than 40 increasing twice as fast as obesity in general. With the increased weight comes an increased risk of comorbidities, including type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, respiratory problems such as obstructive sleep apnea or restrictive lung disease, skin disorders such as intertrigo and cellulitis, and urinary incontinence. Thus, patients exposed to a variety of disasters not only are increasingly overweight but also have an associated number of coexistent medical conditions that require increased support with medical devices and medications. This article focuses on management of the morbidly obese patients during disasters.

24         Special Populations Critical Care Considerations of the Morbidly Obese Pregnant Patient
Marie R. Baldisseri, Margaret D. Larkins-Pettigrew
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The critically ill pregnant patient poses a unique challenge to the clinician, requiring a thorough understanding of normal and abnormal maternal and fetal physiology associated with pregnancy. The morbidly obese patient presents even greater challenges to the clinician, and morbidity and mortality are proportionately increased. Because increased numbers of obese pregnant women are now admitted to intensive care units, practitioners must be aware of the physiology associated with both pregnancy and obesity. A multidisciplinary approach is imperative to prevent both maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality for these very complex patients, especially when they are admitted to the ICU with critical illness.

25         Afterword: Sensitivity in Caring for the Obese Patient  
Page 733
Michele Chamberlain
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26         Index  
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27         Indirect Calorimetry Measurements in the Ventilated Critically Ill Patient: Facts and Controversies—The Heat is On  
Shaul Lev, Jonathan Cohen, Pierre Singer
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The provision of nutrition to critically ill patients in the ICU often receives lower priority compared with hemodynamic and ventilation control. This frequently results in a significant calorie deficit. Overestimation of daily energy expenditure may also result in adverse outcomes. In many centers, nutritional decision making is based on predictive formulas, which have been shown to underestimate true energy requirements. Such estimations are ideally performed using indirect calorimetry. Nevertheless, the use of indirect calorimetry has been limited owing to costs and technical difficulties. Controversies about its actual clinical benefits are the focus of recent clinical studies and recommendations. The aim of this review was to describe the advantages of measuring indirect calorimetry within the concept of energy–protein goal-oriented therapy.


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Murillo Santucci Cesar de Assunção
Unidade de Terapia Intensiva adulto
Disciplina de Anestesiologia, Dor e Terapia Intensiva
Escola Paulista de Medicina
Rua Napoleão de Barros,715
Vila Clementino - São Paulo - CEP: 04024-002
Tel/Fax: +55-11-55757768
Tel/Fax: +55-11- 55764069

Murillo Santucci Cesar de Assunção
Unidade de Terapia Intensiva adulto
Disciplina de Anestesiologia, Dor e Terapia Intensiva
Escola Paulista de Medicina
Rua Napoleão de Barros,715
Vila Clementino - São Paulo - CEP: 04024-002
Tel/Fax: +55-11-55757768
Tel/Fax: +55-11- 55764069

domingo, 3 de octubre de 2010

Cardiovascular Imaging for Clinical Practice


Stephen J. Nicholls, Cardiovascular Imaging for Clinical Practice
Jones & Bartlett Learning | 2010 | ISBN: 0763756229 | Pages: 370 | English | PDF | 12.6 MB

Cardiovascular Imaging for Clinical Practice is an essential guide for cardiologists, internists, and physicians-in-training. Presented in an accessible format for quick reference and comprehension, this book features clinical scenarios for practical application and over 200 photos and illustrations. Informative and compact, Cardiovascular Imaging for Clinical Practice is a most-have resource for clinicians at the point of care.

Best regards



Hematologia AA


Aprovechen que lo gratis no es eterno .....

02 de Octubre del 2010

Atlas de Hematología 5ta Edición - McDonald George A , Paul James , Cruickshank Bruce


Tiene como finalidad ilustrar el aspecto microscópico de los diversos trastornos hematológicos, no sólo en la médula ósea y en la sangre periférica, sino también en el resto de los parénquimas. Con fines comparativos, a lo largo de toda la obra y en una lámina aparte se incluyen los aspectos normales de la sangre y la médula ósea. Incluye ilustraciones de biopsias con trefina de la médula ósea, preparados de impronta e imágenes de microscopia electrónica cuando aportan una contribución al diagnóstico. Contiene un breve texto descriptivo del desarrollo de las células sanguíneas, seguido por una tabla de valores hematológicos normales, y luego siete secciones con ilustraciones de excelente calidad sobre las diversas series sanguíneas, microscopia de contraste de fase, parásitos, neoplasias y células no hematopoyéticas, artificios y otras anormalidades.


domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010

Neurology Emergencies

Jonathan Edlow, Magdy Selim - Neurology Emergencies
Oxford University Press | ISBN: 0195388585 | 2010-09-30 | PDF | 256 pages | 1.20 Mb

This compact handbook provides all the essential specific steps for assessment and management of emergencies in neurology. Edited by an emergency medicine physician and a neurologist, these chapters are easy to review during or after a busy shift. Focus is placed on the acute patient with both common and complex neurological presentations. Also covered are specific, diagnosis-based problems, including traumatic brain injury, stroke, and seizures. Each chapter is filled with relevant computed tomography, magnetic resonance, and vascular studies, as well as many other images, algorithms, and tables. Neurology Emergencies will prove invaluable not only to busy residents in emergency and internal medicine, family practice and neurology, but also medical students who want to excel. This reference guide will also benefit hospitalists and attendings who care for patients with acute neurological problems.

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Vitamin D - Phisiology, Molecular Biology, and Clinical Applications

Vitamin D

"Vitamin D: Physiology, Molecular Biology, and Clinical Applications (Nutrition and Health)" by Michael F. Holick
Humana Press | 1038 pages | English | 2010, 2nd edition | ISBN: 160327300X | PDF | 20,8 MB

This comprehensive book covers everything that is currently known about Vitamin D. It discusses topics ranging from the molecular biology of vitamin D and its role in human physiology to its role in health and disease. … an extremely wide audience would find it useful: graduate students, medical students, healthcare professionals, nutritionists, and the lay public. … The book reads consistently and easily from cover to cover, making it accessible to both scientists and nonscientists.

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Desplazamiento y Cambios en salud, Ayacucho, Perú: 1980-2004, José Moya, OPS


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Desplazamiento y Cambios en Salud, Ayacucho, Perú: 1980-2004, José Moya, OPS


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Cirilo Alejandro Rojas Ochoa


Gestión en Salud
Asesor Médico  - Dirección General


The Johns Hopkins Guide to Diabetes: For Today and Tomorrow (A Johns Hopkins Health Book)


The Johns Hopkins Guide to Diabetes: For Today and Tomorrow (A Johns Hopkins Health Book)

Dr. Christopher D. Saudek MD, Professor Richard R. Rubin PhD CDE, Ms. Cynthia S. Shump RN CDE, "The Johns Hopkins Guide to Diabetes: For Today and Tomorrow (A Johns Hopkins Health Book)"
Publisher: The Johns Hopkins University | 1977 | ISBN 0801855810 | PDF | 422 pages | 20 MB

Written by a team of Johns Hopkins practitioners, this accessible guide addresses everything about diabetes that patients need to know for good control and good health. The book offers detailed discussions of managing the disease with blood glucose monitoring, diet, exercise, and medications. 34 illustrations.



Edwin Villacorta V.
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domingo, 19 de septiembre de 2010


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De: Favio Vega (Yahoo)
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Ana Maria Pomalaza Gutierrez



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